
Tuam Cancer Care - Registered Charity CHY13826

Tuam Cancer Care is a registered charity (Charity Registration Number RCN 20044046). The Charity is a company limited by guarantee and is registered as Tuam Cancer Care Limited.

The Charity is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors and a General Manager.

Tuam Cancer Care confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland. Tuam Cancer Care confirms that our organisation complies with the standards laid out in the Charities Governance Code as required by the Charity Regulator.

As required under Company Law our accounts are independently audited every year. This process is overseen by the Board of Directors. We publish our annual accounts on our website here.

Tuam Cancer Care is a full member of the “Alliance of Cancer Support Centres and Services” having been judged to be in compliance with the National Cancer Control Programme’s (NCCP) “Best Practice Guidance for Cancer Support Centres and Services.